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Summer Term, 2023

Hong Kong Internaional Airport: Career Expo 2023

Posted Date: 3rd Aug 2023


2023 marks the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong International Airport. This year the Career Expo offers thousands of job opportunities for those who are interested in the aviation industry. Seize the opportunity to let your career take flight.

  • Date: 4th to 6th Aug 2023
  • Venue: Hall 3E, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai

  • Click HERE for event details and job openings.

    Job Hunting Tips for Graduates (Aug 2023)

    Posted Date: 1st Aug 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    北京創新科技考察研學: 青年內地交流資助計畫

    Posted Date: 20th Jul 2023


  • Target Participants: Hong Kong youths aged between 16 and 35
  • Date: 23rd to 27th Aug 2023
  • Application Deadline: 27th July 2023
  • Fee: HKD 3,500
  • Remarks: A refund of HKD 500 and a certificate of participation will be provided upon returning the trip and attending the sharing session

  • Quotas are limited. Interested students, please register HERE by completing the online form. For enquiries, please contact HKNETEA by email at or by phone at 2869 6603.

    Hong Kong Disneyland Career Fair

    Posted Date: 20th Jul 2023


    The Hong Kong Disneyland will host a Career Fair with onsite walk-in interviews available.

  • Date: 26th to 27th Jul 2023
  • Time: 11:00 - 16:30
  • Venue: Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel - Sleeping Beauty Ballroom

  • For enquiries, please Whatsapp / WeChat / Call 9339-3882 or email Disneyland at

    Embracing Technology Series (Jul 2023)

    Posted Date: 10th Jul 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Career Training Series (Jul 2023)

    Posted Date: 10th Jul 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony:

    HKMU and IET Hong Kong

    Posted Date: 26th Jun 2023


    Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Hong Kong on 23rd Jun 2023 to nuturing future engineering professionals by offering mentoring scheme to S&T students. The MOU was signed by Ir Prof. Philips Wang (Dean, School of Science and Technology, HKMU) and Mr. Geddy Lee (Chairman, IET Hong Kong) under the witness of Prof. Paul Lam (President, HKMU) and Prof. Bob Cryan (President, IET).

    Workplace Success Series (Jul 2023)

    Posted Date: 12th Jun 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Career Traing for Graduates (Jun 2023)

    Posted Date: 18th May 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Fresh Graduate's Job Searching Skill Series (Jun 2023)

    Posted Date: 18th May 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Successful Internship Series (May 2023)

    Posted Date: 8th May 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Internship Preparation Series (May 2023)

    Posted Date: 8th May 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Spring Term, 2023

    香港觀鳥會 濕地及海洋鳥類保育大學生培訓計劃

    Posted Date: 27th Apr 2023





  • 截止報名日期:2023 年 5 月 28 日 ( 日 ) 23:59
  • 按此報名

  • 香港戶外生態教育協會 實習生招募 2023

    Posted Date: 27th Apr 2023


    OWLHK stresses the importance of team play and constructivism. We have our vision and ambition, yet, we value the capacities of each individual and we hope to co-construct our standard of work. This Internship Programme offers precious opportunities for:

  • Understanding how to run a start-up organization
  • Exploring knowledge, practices and trends in environmental education and conservation
  • Gaining first-hand experience for organizing, executing and evaluating programmes
  • Connecting practitioners and broadening the network in the field

  • Job Responsibitlites

    Specific duties will be discussed and agreed by both parties between Interns and Directors of OWLHK. Intern will work in teams of:

  • Education: Assist in the design, execution and evaluation of education activities
  • Communications and Marketing: Assist in composing publicity strategy and content for social platforms and associated communication channels

  • Requirements
  • Undergraduate studying in local tertiary institutes: (1) Major in ecology, geography, environmental sciences or related subjects (Education Team), (2) Major in communications, marketing, journalism or related subjects (Communications and Marketing Team)
  • Proactive, passionate in nature and environmental education
  • Creative in ideas for environmental education and conservation
  • Willing and able to work at outdoor environment
  • Good team player
  • Good communication skill

  • Working Requirements and Schedule

    To complete the OWLHK Internship Programme, each Intern needs to complete a minimum 200 service hours between 5th Jun to 31 Aug 2023 (may need to work on weekend or at night, indoor and outdoor, and including meetings and training). Specific working hours and schedule will be discussed and agreed by both parties between Interns and Directors of OWLHK. If Intern cannot complete 200 working hours in the specified period, he/she may complete the remaining working hours after the period upon agreement with the Directors of OWLHK.


    It is an unpaid internship. Allowance may be offered upon agreement between Interns and Directors of OWLHK.


    A certificate of completion of the OWLHK Summer Internship 2023 will be issued to Interns upon completion of the job requirements listed above.


    nterested parties please submit your resume to by 1 May 2023 (Monday). Shortlisted applicants will be contacted for an interview. For further information, please email or visit OWLHK website.

    香港海洋公園 民政及青年事務局 內地專題實習計劃

    Posted Date: 18th Apr 2023



  • 實習前培訓活動:香港 6月中旬,廣州 2023年7月14日至7月16日
  • 實習日期(包括實習前培訓活動):2023年7月17日至8月27日
  • 實習及活動地點:參加者將會被安排在臥龍幾個不同的組織機構工作,各機構分別位於汶川縣耿達鄉、臥龍鎮、鄧生溝等地方
  • 對象:香港參加者須為18至30歲、持有香港永久性居民身份證、現就讀於本港各大專院校全日制課程的學生,修讀相關學科如生態保育、自然及環境、可持續發展、藝術、新媒體、地理及旅遊等可獲優先考慮
  • 實習費用:香港參加者費用全免(由香港特別行政區政府民政及青年事務局資助實習活動期間的開支,包括機票、住宿、用餐、交通及培訓費用)。參加者須自行購買旅遊保險,並負責證件費用及個人支出,以及在獲取錄後繳交保證金港幣$2,000。所有遵照計劃規則完成實習及活動之參加者,將獲退還保證金全數
  • 實習崗位:參加者將會被分配至野生動物保育(戶外研究員)、生態導賞員、博物館講解員、大熊貓苑教育大使、多媒體創作人
  • 完成實習後總結匯報及分享會:日期待定

  • 山東青島海洋科學青年實習計劃(青島項目)
  • 實習前培訓活動:6月中旬
  • 實習日期:2023年8月3日至8月31日
  • 實習及活動地點:參加者將會被安排在青島市的青島海洋科學與技術試點國家實驗室工作,期間亦會到訪中國海洋大學及中國科學院海洋研究所等地方作交流
  • 對象:香港參加者須為18至30歲、持有香港永久性居民身份證、現就讀於本港各大專院校全日制課程的學生,修讀相關學科如海洋科學、自然科學、環境科學、環境工程、地理、多媒體及藝術設計等可獲優先考慮
  • 實習費用:香港參加者費用全免(由香港特別行政區政府民政及青年事務局資助實習活動期間的開支,包括機票、住宿、用餐、交通及培訓費用)。參加者須自行購買旅遊保險,並負責證件費用及個人支出,以及在獲取錄後繳交保證金港幣$2,000。所有遵照計劃規則完成實習及活動之參加者,將獲退還保證金全數
  • 實習崗位:參加者將會被分配至海洋環境科研助理、海洋生態科研助理、海洋與氣候科研助理、海洋資源科研助理、多媒體創作人
  • 完成實習後總結匯報及分享會:日期待定

  • 「網上簡介講座」
  • 截止報名日期:2023年4月21日 (按此報名)
  • 日期及時間:2023年4月22日 15:00-16:00

  • 「內地專題實習計劃」校內報名方法
  • 截止報名日期:2023年4月24日
  • 報名方法:填寫網上申請表 以電郵提交所需文件到,作校內遴選之用。

  • 所需文件
  • 一篇「自我介紹及推薦文章」(以中文撰寫,不多於200字)
  • 一張能夠顯示申請者對自然保育或旅遊熱誠的照片
  • 一篇關於「一張能夠顯示申請者對自然保育或旅遊熱誠的照片」的簡短描述(以中文撰寫,不多於100字)

  • 「自我介紹及推薦文章」內容包括但不限於以下類別:
  • 申請這項實習計劃的理由
  • 相關經驗 (如學術領域、義務工作/實習/工作經驗、交流或自助旅遊經驗、參與學校社團或其他組織的經驗、其他相關計劃/活動經驗)
  • 個人強項及特別技能(如適用)

  • 結果公佈
  • 被學校提名的學生將收到電郵或電話形式通知
  • 被取錄參加者將於5月下旬獲海洋公園個別通知 (面試日期:2023年5月6日)

  • 香港青年培育協會 香港青年內地實習計劃 2023

    Posted Date: 18th Apr 2023



  • 日期:2023年6月7日至7月7日(31天) 或 2023年6月18日至7月18日(31天)
  • 地點:大灣區廣州市
  • 對象:18-30歲香港永久性居民
  • 人數:每時段30人 (所有參加者均須參與視像面試)
  • 費用:全免 (包括香港往返廣州高鐵票、當地住宿、膳食 (午餐及自由活動的膳食須自理)、當地交通津貼、數據卡、綜合旅遊保險 (只含基本保障) 及大會指定參訪活動等費用)

  • 實習計劃詳情及報名方法,請瀏覽香港青年培育協會網站
    報名參加實習計劃的同學請同時填寫網上表格, 以便我們提供適時協助 (如面試技巧、實習準備等) 。

    Hong Kong Pearl Cultivation Association: Call for Volunteers / Interns

    Posted Date: 30th Mar 2023


    The Hong Kong Pearl Cultivation Association (香港珍珠養殖協會) has been established in 2015 and received a Sustainable Fisheries Development Fund from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to pioneer a hybrid business model combining pearl cultivation and ecotourism. The Association is holding weekly guided workshops on pearl oyster ecology and pearl jewellery handcrafting, among other education activities on marine conservation and sustainable development with various educational institutions.

    We are now recruiting volunteers to receive training on pearl oyster aquaculture and ecotourism. The volunteers will assist the pearl cultivation team in:
  • Daily operation such as pearl oyster shell cleaning and site maintenance
  • Environmental education activities such as preparation of teaching materials and presentation of aquaculture- and pearl-related topics to visitors

  • During the period, the volunteers will:
  • Learn about the biology and ecological functions of oysters
  • Develop science communication skills through interaction with visitors including primary, secondary and tertiary students and family groups

  • Volunteers with satisfactory performance will:
  • Receive further training to be a pearl oyster ecotour guide
  • Receive a certificate from the Association

  • Others:
  • Worksite: Floating aquaculture platform in the sea of Ma Nam Wat, Sai Kung
  • Transport: Provided between the worksite and closest pier
  • The volunteers should negotiate with the Association, about the volunteering hours, transport, and insurance arrangements

  • Click HERE to visit the Association's website for more details.

    Interested parties, please email your full resume to

    InnoEX 2023: Reconnecting the World with Innovations for Better Living

    Posted Date: 20th Mar 2023


    To engage our youth at an early stage with technology and its application and foster the I&T atmosphere, InnoEX, organised by HKSAR Government and Hong Kong Trade Development Council, cordially invite HKMU S&T students to visit InnoEX 2023 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai. At InnoEX, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the latest advancements in smart city technologies and their applications
  • Engage in thought-provoking discussions on urban planning and sustainability
  • Network with industry leaders, government officials, urban planners, and technology experts
  • Explore the latest smart city products and solutions at exhibitions

  • Click HERE for more information. REGISTER now and be part of the event.

    HKCA YMS Recruitment Fair 2023

    Posted Date: 20th Mar 2023

    With the aims of providing job opportunities for students, YMS organizes Recruitment Fair each year to connect companies and students, allowing the students the chance to learn about internship and graduate programmes of contractors and encourage students to explore the career possibilities. Students can engage with recruiters face-to-face. Besides, a series of talks/workshop will be provided by 18 companies.

    Event Details
  • Date: 29 - 30 Mar 2023 (Wed - Thu)
  • Time: 10:30 - 17:30 p.m.
  • Venue: InnoCentre, Atrium, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong (Near Kowloon Tong Station, Exit C1)
  • News_230308

  • The Fair is open to all students.
  • Membership registration is required for talk. Click HERE to join membership.
  • Visit the WEBSITE for more info!

  • Talk of the Metropolis: From Barren Rock to Metropolis; to Greener, Smarter, and Happier

    「都大講堂」— 從小漁村到更綠色、智能、快樂大都會 (由香港工程師學會會長卜國明工程師主講)

    Posted Date: 20th Mar 2023


    Date: 25th Apr 2023
    Time: 17:00 – 18:00
    Mode: Face-to-Face
    Language: Cantonese
    Venue: Mok Yu Yan Conference Hall, 12/F, Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare (IOH)

    Guest Speaker(s):

  • Ir Aaron Bok Kwok-ming, President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)

  • Introduction of the Speaker

    Ir Aaron BOK is a Registered Professional Engineer in Civil Discipline. He has served different departments and bureau in the Government including Water Supplies Department, Transport Department, Highways Department, Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) and Development Bureau over his 37 years’ services. Before retirement in 2021, he was the Head of Civil Engineering Office of CEDD. Currently, Ir BOK serves as Project Team Leader in the Health Projects Unit of CEDD.

    Ir BOK has wide experience on traffic and transport planning, new town development, policy formulation, major reclamations and planning, design and project management of major infrastructures projects, including the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link, Lung Kwu Tan reclamation and replanning, site formations and infrastructures for over 80 housing developments; and the construction of quarantine units that help combat COVID-19, etc. He was elected as an Election Committee Member (Engineering Subsector) in 2021. He is also a Director of the Engineering Forum, a Board member of Engineers Registration Board as well as the School Managers of three schools.

    Click HERE to register.

    Centre for Food Safety: Seminar in Enhancing International Partnership in Food Safety

    Posted Date: 20th Mar 2023


    The seminar, entitled "Enhancing International Partnership in Food Safety", will be conducted in the afternoon of 31 March 2023 (Friday) in the Grand Ballroom of Regal Airport Hotel Hong Kong. The seminar aims at serving as a forum for sharing and exchanging the latest development and best practices in relation to various aspects of food safety. The seminar will also provide a valuable occasion for enhancing the awareness of Codex Alimentarius Commission and celebrating its 60th anniversary among the various stakeholders.

    Click HERE for details and application.

    Sino Group: Engineer Trainee Programme

    Posted Date: 16th Mar 2023


    Click HERE for details and application.

    The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas): 2023 Summer Internship Programme

    Posted Date: 14th Mar 2023


    Click HERE for details and application.

    The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas): 2023 Co-operative Education Programme

    Posted Date: 14th Mar 2023


    Click HERE for details and application.

    SGS Hong Kong Limited: Graduate Trainee Program

    Posted Date: 10th Mar 2023


    Click HERE for details and application.

    Cyberport Career Fair: Kickstart Your Tech Career

    Posted Date: 10th Mar 2023


    Cyberport Career Fair 2023 is a one-stop platform for career and entrepreneurship opportunities, as well as updates on the Cyberport community. It is designed for youth, job seekers, and future entrepreneurs who are interested in exploring the digital tech industry. This is a great opportunity for talents to connect with industry experts and gain access to 1,000+ hot job opportunities (full-time, part-time, internships) across different job functions including business, STEAM, design, and more offered by 100+ companies from Smart Living, FinTech, Digital Entertainment and Cyberport Partners. 50+ talks and free career development resources will be offered to registered talents.

    If you would like to apply for jobs or come to Cyberport, please submit the registration form with your CVs HERE.

    Briefing on Common Recruitment Examination, and Basic Law and National Secuirty Law Test

    Posted Date: 3rd Mar 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Hong Kong Broadband Network: Summer Innovator Program 2023 - Open for Application

    Posted Date: 28th Feb 2023


    Click HERE for details.

    Seminars on Further Studies, 2023 Spring Term (Feb - Apr)

    Posted Date: 15th Feb 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Self Development Seminars, 2023 Spring Term (Mar)

    Posted Date: 23th Feb 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Seminars on Further Studies, 2023 Spring Term (Feb - Apr)

    Posted Date: 15th Feb 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Career Traing Series, 2023 Spring Term (Mar)

    Posted Date: 13rd Feb 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony:
    HKMU and HKT Join Forces to Foster Sustainable ICT Development

    Posted Date: 3rd Feb 2023


    The Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Hong Kong Telecom (HKT) on 2nd Feb 2023 to foster innovative collaboration, research and talent development, paving the way for the sustainable development of the ICT industry in Hong Kong.

    The MoU was signed by Dr. Kevin Hung King-fai (Head of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science and Associate Professor, School of S&T, HKMU) and Mr Leung Wing-keung (Senior Vice President, Integrated Project and Technology Services, Commercial Group of HKT). The signing was also witnessed by Prof. Philips Wang Fu-lee, (Dean, School of S&T, HKMU) and Mr. Steve Ng (Managing Director, Commercial Group of HKT).

    Recruiting Student Volunteers for 2023 Egg-cellent Hunter

    Posted Date: 3rd Feb 2023


    This annual charity event aims to spread the joy and hope of Easter to underprivileged families. Being one of the supporting partners, the School of Science and Technology is now recruiting student volunteers to support the Egg Hunt session (尋蛋助手). Let’s celebrate Easter together and show love to the community!

    Event Details
    Date: 7 Apr 2023 (Fri)
    Time: 10:00 - 17:00
    Venue: Ma Wan Tung Wan Beach

    Interested students, please register HERE before 8 Feb 2023 (Wed) for registration. Successful applicants will be notified by email / call by 10th Feb 2023.

    Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony:
    HKMU Strengthens Industry-Academia Collaboration in Nurturing Construction Talent

    Posted Date: 20th Jan 2023



    Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) on Nurturing Talent for the Construction Industry with the Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA) and the Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors (HKFEMC) on 20th Jan 2023 to deepen their long-term cooperation in education, enhance the exchange of professional knowledge and experience, and ‘construct’ a better future for Hong Kong.

    The two MOUs were signed by HKMU President Prof. Paul Lam Kwan-sing, and HKCA President Sr Eddie Lam Kin-wing and HKFEMC Life President Mr. Paul Chong Kin-lit, respectively. The Hon. Bernadette Linn Hon-ho, Secretary for Development of the HKSAR, was invited to join the ceremony as the Guest of Honor and witnessed the signing with HKMU Council Chairman Ir Dr Conrad Wong Tin-cheung.

    The MOUs have created a framework to provide scholarships, internship stipends, summer training and employment opportunities after graduation for young people who would like to join the construction industry, allowing them to envision its future and their career development prospects to enhance their interest in joining the industry. HKMU will also provide flexible learning pathways and organize workshops and training courses for in-service practitioners to promote lifelong learning.

    In addition, the three parties will regularly co-organize activities such as company visits and career talks to help students understand the modus operandi of the industry and explore strengthening cooperation in research on construction technologies. They will also jointly organize symposia and seminars to promote the use of innovative technologies and construction methods, and help students and the general public develop a better understanding of the construction industry.

    Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony:
    HKMU Strengthens Ties with Hong Yip Holdings Limited

    Posted Date: 18th Jan 2023


    The Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Hong Yip Holdings Limited on 18th Jan 2023 to foster exchange and collaboration in programme development and research and enhancing support for HKMU students and graduates.

    The MOU was signed by Ir Dr. Conrad Wong (Council Chairman, HKMU) and Ir Alkin Kwong (Chairman and Chief Executive of Hong Yip Holdings Limited).

    2023 Hip Hing / Vibro Graduate Recruitment - Open for Application

    Posted Date: 18th Jan 2023

    2023 Hip Hing Group Graduate Recruitment Programme is now open for application. The highlights of the programme are as follows:

    Hip Hing Construction Company Limited
    Nature of Business: Building Main Contractor
    Final Year Student who is studying degree program in the following areas / disciplines:

  • Civil / Structural Engineering
  • Building Engineering and Management / Construction Management
  • Building Services / Mechanical Engineering
  • Architectural Studies
  • Surveying / Quantity Surveying
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Environmental Science / Environmental Engineering / Sustainable Development
  • Graduate Positions
  • Assistant Construction Officer
  • Assistant Engineer
  • Assistant Building Engineer
  • Assistant Building Services Engineer
  • Assistant BIM Engineer
  • Assistant Quantity Surveyor
  • Assistant Safety Officer
  • Assistant Environmental Engineer
  • Assistant Mechanical Engineer

  • Vibro (H.K.) Limited
    Nature of Business: Foundation Contractor
    Final Year Student who is studying degree program in the following areas / disciplines:
  • Civil / Structural Engineering
  • Geology
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Surveying / Quantity Surveying
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Graduate Positions
  • Assistant Engineer
  • Assistant Geologist
  • Assistant Quantity Surveyor
  • Assistant Safety Officer
  • Assistant Mechanical Engineer

  • Application Method
    2023 Graduate Recruitment applications MUST be submitted through Online Application System. Interested students may visit the Company Website for more details.

    Mock Interview, 2023 Spring Term (Feb)

    Posted Date: 18th Jan 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Disney 2023 Summer Internship

    Posted Date: 18th Jan 2023


    Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is now hiring Interns for Facility Services Team. This is an amazing opportunity to work side-by-side with industry leaders in your field of study. The individuals will be able to build upon the skills they've learned in the classroom within a family of legendary brands passionate about creating world-class experiences on a global scale.


  • Ensure the safest and reliable Park and Resort's facilities to Guests through continuous improvement and development in engineering, technology applications, maintenance services and quality assurance systems
  • Perform workshop housekeeping, quality audit checklist, inventory control, data review and logistics arrangement
  • Provide technical support to tackle engineering problems
  • Assist the team to conduct the investigation, troubleshooting and measurement on-site
  • Review and analyze maintenance data and provide reports
  • Prepare and review documents, i.e. drawings, test plans, materials schedule, manuals, site inspection reports and other related documents

  • Requirements
  • Current university students major in Engineering, preferably in Electrical, Mechanical, Automation, Mechatronic Engineering, Building Services, Civil Engineering, Building Studies, Environmental Engineering or any other relevant disciplines
  • Energetic, strong team-players and passionate about Disney
  • Excellent command of English and Chinese, including both spoken Cantonese and Putonghua
  • Have the right of abode in Hong Kong SAR
  • Available to commit full time internship from June to August 2023
  • Previous work experience at Disney theme parks will be considered as an added advantage

  • Application
    Base on academic background and interview performance, shortlisted candidates will be assigned to one of the team below:
  • Attractions Engineering Services
  • Electrical, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering
  • Building and Architectural Maintenance
  • Scientific Systems Engineering
  • Ride and Show Engineering

  • Please indicate your available period and your expected graduation date on your resume

    Application deadline: 3rd March 2023

    Click HERE for details and application.

    Autumn Term, 2023

    Career Preparation Series, 2023 Spring Term (Jan – Feb)

    Posted Date: 4th Jan 2023


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Talk on Occupational Safety and Health Legislation

    Posted Date: 23rd Dec 2022


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Career Training Series, 2023 Spring Term (Jan – Feb)

    Posted Date: 20th Dec 2022


    How do I apply for my first internship or my first job? What should I start with? We are here to help and there will be a series of seminars covering the major steps in your job application in the coming January and February.

    Impress Employer by Cover Letter seminar:
    Should I write a cover letter? How much information is too little or too much in a cover letter? How to create a strong first impression in my cover letter? In this seminar, you will learn why and how to format and structure your cover letter through examples. We will also provide you with some tips on how to make your cover letter impressive.

    Market Yourself by Resume seminar:
    Are CV and resume the same? Why there is no response to my dozens of job applications? How to make my resume stand out? Is there a perfect resume sample available on the web? We will give you a step-by-step guide and tips on how to write a successful resume, illustrated by good and bad examples.

    Ace Your Next Job Interview seminar:
    What should I prepare for an interview? What should I wear and bring on the interview day? How should I act and what should I say during the interview? Why there is no response even though I said nothing wrong in my interview? You will get the answers to all these questions in this seminar. We will also provide you with hints on acing your next job interview with confidence.

    Master Top 10 Interview Questions seminar:
    What will be asked in my job interview? How to prepare for the questions? Should I memorize the golden answers getting from the internet? To land your first internship or dream graduate job, get yourself some ideas on the common questions likely to be asked and the hidden questions. We will provide you with some good and bad examples of how to answer them. Of course, there will also be some tips on how to prepare your answers.

    Non-Verbals Decoded by Interviewers seminar:
    How can I stand out in a job interview? Is there any way to look and sound confident during the interview? How do interviewers pick up my facial expression? How do they interpret my body language? We will share how interviewers read your mind through your non-verbal signals in this seminar.

    Click HERE for details and registration

    Webinar on the Employment Ordinance

    Posted Date: 20th Dec 2022


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony:
    School of S&T Strengthens Ties with Integrated Corporation

    Posted Date: 15th Dec 2022


    The School of Science and Technology (S&T) of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Integrated Corporation on 6th Dec 2022 to foster exchange and collaboration in programme development and research and enhancing support for HKMU students and graduates.

    The MOU was signed by our Dr. Kevin Hung (Head of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science cum Associate Professor, S&T, HKMU) and Dr. Ivor Ko (Director, Integrated Corporation) under the witness of our Prof. Philips Wang (Dean, S&T, HKMU) and Mr. Mickey Ko (Managing Director, Integrated Corporation).

    HSBC Digital Innovation Internship

    Posted Date: 15th Dec 2022

    A deep dive into technology for people from any background with an interest in building digital and innovative solutions that benefit our customers.

    What you’ll do:

  • You’ll be on teams with your fellow interning, working on a real business problem that involves developing and testing new technologies.
  • Your colleagues will be professional engineers, architects, and data analysts. You’ll also collaborate with specialists in cybersecurity, Machine Learning, and AI. They’ll share their experience and knowledge so you’re ready for future opportunities.
  • After the internship, you’ll have the possibility to transition to our two-year DBS Digital Innovation Graduate Programme.

  • Who you are:
  • You’re a curious person with a passion for technology. You’ve got loads of enthusiasm and like to work with agility and think creatively.
  • Maybe you already know which area of technology excites you; maybe you don’t. Both are fine.
  • You want to gain experience to find your interests and test your strengths.

  • What you’ll learn
  • You’ll start with a specialized induction programme to introduce you to the world of Digital at HSBC. Your Grad Coach and Programme Specialists will help guide you throughout your internship.
  • Working with different teams across HSBC’s Digital Business Services will give you experience and an understanding of how each works together to support the bank and our customers.
  • You’ll be constantly using and improving your communication and collaboration skills, testing your problem-solving abilities, and learning how to work in an Agile environment.
  • You’ll have plenty of opportunities for continuous learning and people to support you during your time with us so that you’re well-prepared for your future.

  • For: Penultimate year undergraduates
    Duration: 5 to 16 weeks (depending on programme and country or territory)
    Areas: Digital Innovation
    Start date: Jun 2023 onwards

    Click HERE for details and apply.

    HSBC Digital Innovation Graduate Programme

    Posted Date: 15th Dec 2022

    A two-year programme for people who want to work on Cloud, cyber, data, and AI to solve problems at a global scale for millions of customers.

    What you’ll do:

  • You’ll work with business analysts and project managers on large projects with global teams that’ll give you experience with Cloud, cybersecurity, Big Data, and AI.
  • You’ll build and test new technologies, run cyberattack simulations, and help us continue our transition to multiple Cloud platforms.
  • We have opportunities for passionate software engineers to develop software that will run new trading platforms and other systems to give us a competitive edge.

  • Who you are:
  • You’re a creative problem-solver with a passion for innovating with technology.
  • Speaking up and building relationships with people for better collaboration is how you get things done. You embrace Agile working and want to work with people around the world on large-scale projects that impact millions.
  • You have a strong analytical mind and an interest in developing tech skills that you want to apply to real-world situations.

  • What you’ll learn:
  • You begin with an immersive six-week induction programme with other grads from around the world to learn about the bank’s emerging technologies and how they are driving the future of banking.
  • Over the two-year programme you’ll have three rotations. On each rotation, you’ll have a structured learning programme and the opportunity to get professional, industry-recognized certifications such as Scrum Master, Cloud Certifications with GCP or AWS, SaFE, and Agile Ways of Working.
  • You’ll have plenty of opportunities for continuous learning and people to support you during your time with us so that you’re well-prepared for your future.

  • For: Final year students or recent graduates
    Duration: Two years
    Areas: Digital Innovation
    Start date: Jul 2023 onwards

    Click HERE for details and apply.

    Airport Authority Hong Kong:
    Management Trainee Programme

    Posted Date: 2nd Dec 2022


    The Management Trainee Programme is designed to develop high-potential talents into future leaders. Management Trainees are provided with abundant opportunities to acquire the skills and professional expertise necessary to build solid careers at the Airport Authority (AA).

    During the three-year programme, Management Trainees will acquire job-related skills and knowledge through rotations in core departments, participation in cross-functional projects and assignments, and functional and leadership training. Through our structured curriculum, our future leaders will develop problem-solving capabilities, leadership skills, and internal networks necessary to forge successful careers in airport management.

    Application Deadline: 8th Jan 2022

    Click HERE for details and application.

    Hong Kong Disneyland: Career Bazaar

    Posted Date: 16nd Nov 2022


    Hong Kong Disneyland will be hosting Career Bazaar 2022 on Dec 5 - 9 (9:30 am - 4:30 pm) at Hong Kong Disneyland Casting Center with onsite walk-in interviews available.

    For students who are interested in creating happiness and magical moments, please join us at Hong Kong Disneyland! Click HERE for position details.

    If students have any enquiries or would like to make a reservation, please WhatsApp / WeChat / Call 9339-3882 (the recruitment hotline).

    (Call for Application) Chun Wo Innovation Student Awards:
    Engineers for a Sustainable Tomorrow

    Posted Date: 16th Nov 2022


    The Chun Wo Innovation Student Awards (CWISA) is an initiative that aims to encourage university students from all disciplines to use an engineering approach to address challenges revolving around urban infrastructure, technology, and social development. These pillars are crucial in determining the future transformation of a city as well as people’s livelihood.

    The theme of this year's Chun Wo Student Innovation Awards (“CWISA”) is "Engineer for a Sustainable Tomorrow”. To inspire young future engineers, CWISA encourages each participating team to propose innovative engineering solution, which is related to one of the following three important categories of promoting the world towards sustainable development. The winning team will have the opportunity to receive funding to nurture their innovative idea and put it into practice. Sub-themes include:

  • Restoration
  • Conservation
  • Symbiosis

  • The Award is open to all full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students from any of the tertiary education institutions in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area (GBA). Students are encouraged to form groups with a maximum of 8 members (at least one student studying in engineering-related faculties).

    Click HERE for details and application.

    Airport Authority Hong Kong:
    Graduate Engineer Programme

    Posted Date: 16th Nov 2022


    The Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) Graduate Engineer Programme is a Scheme “A” training programme accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). The programme helps graduate engineers acquire the qualifications to become professional engineers, and provides them with excellent all-around exposure to various airport engineering systems/projects through on-the-job training and attachment.

    The programme aims to develop a pool of home-grown professional engineers with the specific skills and experience necessary to implement and operate the Airport Authority’s (AA) sophisticated, mission-critical systems, and meet HKIA's future development needs.

    Application Deadline: 18th Dec 2022

    Click HERE for details and application.

    Career Training Series, 2022 Autumn Term (Nov)

    Posted Date: 14th Nov 2022


    What will be asked in my job interview? How to prepare for the questions? Should I memorize the golden answers getting from the internet?

    To land your first internship or dream graduate job, get yourself some ideas on:

  • Common questions likely to be asked
  • Hidden questions the interviewers asking Good and bad examples of how to answer them Tips on how to respond

    Register now and join our Master Top 10 Interview Questions Seminar this November.

    Click HERE for details and application.

    Personal Development Seminar Series, 2022 Autumn Term (Nov)

    Posted Date: 14th Nov 2022


    Click HERE for details and application.

    HKMU S&T Career Fair 2022 was Successfully Held in Early Nov 2022

    Posted Date: 14th Nov 2022





    The HKMU S&T Career Fair 2022 was successfully held from 4 to 5 November 2022. The Fair received huge support from professionals and experts from over 20 leading companies and organizations that seek new talent in the field of science, engineering, and technology.

    The Opening Ceremony was held on 4 November 2022, the Ceremony was officiated by our Provost, Professor Reggie KWAN Ching-Ping. Apart from the exhibitors, students, graduates, and staff, the event was also attended by representatives of AY2021/22 internship hosting companies and organizations.

    At the Ceremony, seven industry partners which hosted successful internships for our students in the 2022 Summer Term were presented with the Internship Award. Year 4 student representatives (Kade Yuen, Suki Wang, and Alan Zhuang) shared their internship experiences and expressed their gratitude to their internship-hosting companies and organizations.

    The S&T students and graduates visited the booths to expand their horizons and understand their career interests. The School also organized senior student sharing sessions, recruitment talks, on-site job applications, on-the-spot job interviews, and, career and further study advising services to help our S&T students and graduates to navigate the job market, gain industry insights, identify career goals, and explore the internship and job opportunities.

    Click HERE to enter the HKMU Career Fair 2022 website.

    Join Us at the HKMU S&T Career Fair 2022:
    Jump Start Your Future

    Posted Date: 20th Oct 2022


    November is the perfect time to gear up yourself and explore your career choices. This year, we have invited more than 20 prestigious businesses and organizations that represent the eight different career clusters:

  • Computing and Information Technology
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Environmental Safety and Sustainability
  • Life Science and Healthcare
  • Manufacturing and Automation
  • Property and Facility Management
  • STEM Education, Research, and Development
  • Testing and Certification

  • Visit our Career Fair 2022 website (click HERE to access) and join our career activities from 4 to 5 November 2022:
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Exhibition Booths
  • Career and Recruitment Talks
  • On-Site Job Application
  • On-Spot Job Interview
  • Free Resume Photo Taking
  • Free early-bird registration gifts and souvenirs

  • Mark your calendar now and we look forward to seeing you soon!

    Access the HKMU S&T Career Fair Website HERE.


    AECOM Graduate Recruitment

    Posted Date: 20th Oct 2022


    Click HERE for details and application.

    MTR 2023 Graduate Recruitment

    Posted Date: 20th Oct 2022


    MTR treasures talents from broad and diverse backgrounds who are keen on their growth and development and serve the communities they operate in.

    To achieve the MTR’s future business goals and your career aspirations, MTR offers 3-year tailor-made accelerated graduate development programmes with job rotations along both Corporate General Management and Functional Professional Streams as below to enrich your experience and build your capacity for success.

    Application Deadline: 13th Nov 2022

    Click HERE for details and application.

    (Calling for Applications)
    “For Our Future” Scholarship 2022/2023

    Posted Date: 12th Oct 2022


    The “For Our Future” Scholarship assists local university students who demonstrate excellent performance in their academic studies, diverse development, or community service, and will be invited to participate in the Greater Bay Area tour to help them gain a better understanding of the region.

    Application Deadline: 18th Nov 2022 (17:00)

    Click HERE for details and application.

    “Meet with Industry’s Leaders” by HKCA YMS

    Posted Date: 12th Oct 2022



    To provide opportunities for professionals and leaders to share their own stories and experiences with construction students


  • Ir Michael FONG, JP (Director of Civil Engineering and Development, Civil Engineering and Development Department)
  • Ir Richard LEE (General Manager, Yau Lee Construction Company Limited)

  • Details
  • Date: 22nd Oct 2022 (Saturday)
  • Time: 13:30 - 16:30
  • Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall, Zero Carbon Building, 8 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay

  • Rundown
  • 13:30 - 15:00 Dreamcatcher Workshop
  • 15:00 - 16:30 Sharing Session

  • Click HERE for details and application.

    HKMU S&T Career Fair 2022
    “Jump Start Your Future”

    Posted Date: 29th Sep 2022

    We are thrilled to announce that one of the major events of the year HKMU S&T Career Fair will be hosted from 4 to 5 November. The theme of the fair is “Jump Start Your Future”, aiming to support and facilitate our students and graduates to explore job and internship opportunities in the markets and acquire the latest information on the diversified industry.

    Participated career clusters include:

  • Computing and Information Technology
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Environmental Safety and Sustainability
  • Life Science and Healthcare
  • Manufacturing and Automation
  • Property and Facility Management
  • STEM Education, Research, and Development
  • Testing and Certification

  • Click HERE for details.

    Build4Asia 2022

    Posted Date: 29th Sep 2022


    Build4Asia is the No.1 Trade show for the Building, Electrical Engineering, and Security Industries in Hong Kong which covers every facet of the construction industry from building materials and automation, and smart city technologies to the total surveillance system.

    Build4Asia will return from 16 to 18 Nov 2022 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The trade show will remain the ultimate B2B sourcing platform for companies to seek and expand their business opportunities.

  • Date: 16th to 18th Nov 2022
  • Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

  • Click HERE for details and registration.

    “Career Spark: Techquisition Day” By Microsoft

    Posted Date: 29th Sep 2022


    re you preparing for a career in the fast-growing IT field? Do you want to build the skills to get your job ready? Join the Microsoft Career Spark: Techquisition Day to get professional training designed by Microsoft to earn industry-recognized certifications and get on the fast track to a competitive job.

    This program is designed to provide opportunities for students and recent graduates to build an industry-standard foundation with job-ready technical skills. After you have completed the courses and earned the required Certificates, you will have a chance to extend your professional network and kick-start your new career with Microsoft partners.

    Do not miss the chance to launch your career in the hottest field with your Microsoft Certificates. Join the Roadshow on 22nd Sep to keep pace with the career insight of today and showcase your job readiness to your potential employers.

  • Date: 22nd Sep 2022
  • Time: 15:00 - 17:00
  • Venue: Microsoft Experience Center, 15/F, Cyberport 2

  • Click HERE for details and registration.

    Online Resume Clinic, 2022 Autumn Term (Oct)

    Posted Date: 15th Sep 2022


    How to stand out from the crowd? Why there is no response to my job application? How to showcase my work experience? What if I am applying for my very first internship or graduate job?

    Bring your resume for the clinic session and we will:

  • Review your resume
  • Diagnose potential problems in your resume
  • Advise on how to improve the structure of your resume
  • Increase your chance of job interviews

  • Give your resume a makeover by registering and joining our Online Resume Clinic in the coming October.

    Click HERE for details and register.

    Personal Development Series, 2022 Autumn Term (Oct)

    Posted Date: 15th Sep 2022


    Click HERE for details and register.

    Career Training Series, 2022 Autumn Term (Oct)

    Posted Date: 1st Sep 2022


    How do I apply for my first internship or my first job? What should I start with?

    We are here to help and there will be a series of seminars covering the major steps in your job application in the coming October.

    Tips to Find an Internship seminar:
    In this introductory seminar, you will get some ideas on the job-seeking process and procedures. We will also provide you with some hints and tips on each step.

    Impress Employer by Cover Letter seminar:
    Should I write a cover letter? How much information is too little or too much in a cover letter? How to create a strong first impression in my cover letter? In this seminar, you will learn why and how to format and structure your cover letter through examples. We will also provide you with some tips on how to make your cover letter impressive.

    Market Yourself by Resume seminar:
    Are CV and resume the same? Why there is no response to my dozens of job applications? How to make my resume stand out? Is there a perfect resume sample available on the web? In this seminar, we will give you a step-by-step guide and tips on how to write a successful resume, illustrated by good and bad examples.

    Ace Your Next Job Interview seminar:
    What should I prepare for an interview? What should I wear and bring on the interview day? How should I act and what should I say during the interview? Why there is no response even though I said nothing wrong in my interview? You will get the answers to all these questions in this seminar. We will also provide you with hints on acing your next job interview with confidence.

    Click HERE for details and register.

    Inauguration Ceremony for New Students 2022:
    Introduction to S&T Career Support Services

    Posted Date: 1 Sep 2022



    In the Inauguration Ceremony for New Students 2022 held on 30th August 2022, our Ms. Cheryl Law (Industrial Attachment Trainer) introduced our new students to the career support services provided under the Industrial Attachment Project of Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS). You are welcome to visit the website for the latest career training activities and the new openings for internship and graduate posts.

    Hong Kong Metropolitan University

    Copyright © 2023 · All Rights Reserved

    The project “Industrial Attachment Project for Science and Technology Students” is funded by the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) under Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund (SPEP) by the Education Bureau.