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Autumn Term, 2024

「創就灣區 • 有為佛山」2024年港佛青年人才雙向就業創業交流活動 *

Posted Date: 13rd Sep 2023


「創就灣區 • 有為佛山」2024年港佛青年人才雙向就業創業交流活動,旨在讓香港青年了解大灣區就業創業新機遇,利用其獨特區位優勢,促進就業創業發展。活動內容包括:創業項目招募及交流、就業創業及人才政策宣講、港澳創業基地推介及人才招聘等,全面展示佛山市就業創業方面之優勢及產業資源,進一步凝聚社會各界力量,整合資源要素,吸引資本、專案、技術、人才實現雙向流動。


  • 日期:2024年9月20日(星期五)
  • 時間:下午2時至5時
  • 地點:香港北角百福道21號 香港青年協會大廈25樓
  • 對象:歡迎18歲以上人士,擁有碩士研究生或以上學歷,有興趣於企業管理及科研人才
  • 招募職位:
  • 立即報名:

  • 組織機構
  • 主辦單位:佛山市人力資源和社會保障局
  • 承辦單位:佛山市人力資源公共服務中心、順德區民政和人力資源社會保障局
  • 協辦單位:中共佛山市委台港澳工作辦公室、佛山市人才工作局、禪城區人力資源和社會保障局、南海區人力資源和社會保障局、高明區人力資源和社會保障局、三水區人力資源和社會保障局、佛山港澳青年創業孵化基地(一基地兩園區)、香港青年協會
  • 執行單位:廣東省和創孵化器有限公司
  • 支持單位(排名不分先後):香港中文大學創業研究中心、 香港中文大學家族企業研究中心、香港生產力促進局、香港都會大學學生事務處、嶺大創業行動、香港教育大學知識轉移辦公室創新及創業發展組、香港科技大學創業中心、香港樹仁大學、和創公益基金會

  • 如有任何查詢,請聯絡主辦單位香港青年協會- 社會創新及青年創業部

    * The program details and recruitment information are forwarded by HKMU S&T. The execution and planning of activities are the solely the responsibility of the responsible organizer and/or employer. HKMU S&T will not be held liable for any disputes, losses, or other issues that may arise.

    Cathay Hackathon *

    Posted Date: 13rd Sep 2023


    Cathay is looking for young passionate innovators from Hong Kong and other Greater Bay Area cities to craft groundbreaking solutions and revolutionise customers’ travel lifestyle experiences.

    For the first time ever, the Cathay Hackathon is expanding its reach and will host the Final Pitch in Shenzhen!

    Leading up to the big event

    Before the Hackathon, you will have the chance to participate in a series of enriching activities and workshops called “Master Classes” including:

  • Exclusive experiences to explore the behind-the-scenes of Cathay’s operations, from premium travel lifestyle to cargo services and beyond
  • Insightful sessions that enhance your technical skills by delving into state-of-the-art technologies and their real-world applications
  • Engaging conversations with industry experts for inspiration and expanding your professional network

  • Apply today and move beyond together

    Seize the opportunity to win round-trip flights, Asia Miles, and kickstart your career in the aviation and tech industry.

    Event Date
  • Initial Submission: 26th Oct 2024
  • Development Day: 6th - 7th Nov 2024
  • First Pitch: 9th - 10th Nov 2024
  • Final Pitch: 16th Nov 2024

  • Applications are open from now to 20 September 2024 23:59 HKT. Click HERE to visit the Cathay Hackathon official website to learn more and apply today! If you would like to ask any questions, please contact

    * The program details and recruitment information are forwarded by HKMU S&T. The execution and planning of activities are the solely the responsibility of the responsible organizer and/or employer. HKMU S&T will not be held liable for any disputes, losses, or other issues that may arise.

    Hong Kong SciTech Pioneers Award *

    Posted Date: 13rd Sep 2023


    The Hong Kong SciTech Pioneers Award, hosted by the Y-LOT Foundation, aims to inspire a new generation of innovation and creativity, and provide a platform for young scientists and research teams to showcase their enthusiasm and dedication to SciTech innovation. Building on two consecutive years of remarkable success, Y-LOT will further amplify the impact and reach of this prestigious Award this year. Here, you can broaden your horizon, gain practical insights, engage with a dynamic community of young innovators and entrepreneurs, receive valuable guidance and mentorship from seasoned professionals, and utilize the expertise and resources of Y-LOT’s partners to advance your scientific project.

    Y-LOT is thrilled to officially launch the Hong Kong SciTech Pioneers Award 2023-2024 (HKSPA)! This prestigious Award will recognise the valuable contributions of outstanding young scientists and research teams in the fields of:

  • Deep Tech
  • Biotechnology
  • Space Science
  • Environmental Science
  • Future Innovation

  • If you are working on an innovative SciTech project in these fields, we want to hear from you! As a HKSPA Awardee, you will not only receive the distinguished honour but also a cash prize. In addition, we have specially curated an exclusive HKSPA Prize Tour to a leading I&T hub in the Yangtze River Delta region of Mainland China. During this tour, you will have the opportunity to meet up with the local government, prominent enterprises, academic institutions, and investment funds. The exclusive HKSPA Prize Tour will provide you with a transformative platform to connect, learn, and unlock unprecedented growth opportunities.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to be the next Hong Kong SciTech Pioneer! Apply by 24 September 2024! Click HERE for details.

    If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact Mr. Roy Chan at or 3795 8018. Let’s make it happen!

    * The program details and recruitment information are forwarded by HKMU S&T. The execution and planning of activities are the solely the responsibility of the responsible organizer and/or employer. HKMU S&T will not be held liable for any disputes, losses, or other issues that may arise.

    Government Career Fair 2024 *

    Posted Date: 12nd Sep 2023


    The Government Career Fair 2024 offers students a wide array of job opportunities and hiring processes across 35 different grades within various government departments and units. As Hong Kong’s largest employer, the government provides positions in a diverse range of specialties. This event allows students to gain valuable insights into the myriad job opportunities available within the government. Additionally, the Government Career Fair 2024 equips students with essential job search information, helping them establish career objectives for a promising future in the civil service.


  • Date: 19th Sep 2024
  • Time: 11:00 - 17:00
  • Venue: Agile Sports Hall, 1/F, Jockey Club Campus

  • Hightlights:

  • Meet 16 Participating Government Bureau/Departments
  • Free Professional Portrait Taking
  • Free CV Clinic
  • Walk-in Interview & Written Test
  • Career Talks
  • Get Attractive Event Souvenirs

  • Click HERE for event details

    * The program details and recruitment information are forwarded by HKMU S&T. The execution and planning of activities are the solely the responsibility of the responsible organizer and/or employer. HKMU S&T will not be held liable for any disputes, losses, or other issues that may arise.

    Unlocking Interview Success: Proven Tips from HR Leader

    Posted Date: 11th Sep 2023


    Are you gearing up to enter the job market and searching for that perfect graduate job or internship? Mastering the interview process is essential to stand out among your peers and secure the opportunities you desire. Join us for “Unlocking Interview Success: Proven Tips from HR Leader”!

    This seminar is a fantastic chance to gain insider knowledge from an HR leader who understands what employers are looking for in candidates straight out of university. Equip yourself with the tools and confidence to excel in your interviews and land the role you’ve been dreaming of!


  • Date: 25th Sep 2024
  • Time: 17:00 - 17:45
  • Language: Cantonese
  • Mode: Zoom (link will be sent to successful registrants one working day before the activity)
  • Quota: 30 (First-come-first-serve)
  • Registration: Click HERE

  • The Future is Yours: Building Your Dream Career Today

    Posted Date: 10th Sep 2023


    Are you ready to take charge of your future career? Join us for “The Future is Yours - Building Your Career Today”!

    This webinar is all about giving you the tools you need to plan and build your career effectively. You'll learn how to set SMART career goals, discover your strengths and weaknesses through SWOT analysis and personality tests, explore different career options, and stay up-to-date on job market trends.

    This seminar is perfect for students like you who are ready to take the first step towards an exciting and successful career. Don't miss out - enroll now and let's build your bright future together!


  • Date: 24th Sep 2024
  • Time: 16:00 - 17:00
  • Language: English
  • Mode: Zoom (link will be sent to successful registrants one working day before the activity)
  • Quota: 30 (First-come-first-serve)
  • Registration: Click HERE

  • 2024 CWISA Kick-off Briefing Seminar: Career Planning and Opportunities in the Era of Digitalization *

    Posted Date: 10th Sep 2023


    2024 CWISA Kick-off Briefing Seminar will be held on 19th September 2024 in Kwun Tong! This event is designed for university students to explore career planning and opportunities in the digital age.

    Event Details:

  • Date: 19th Sep 2024 (Thu)
  • Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  • Venue: Room 309, 3/F, HK NEO, 123 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
  • Registration Link: Register HERE

  • For more information, please visit event website HERE.

    * The program details and recruitment information are forwarded by HKMU S&T. The execution and planning of activities are the solely the responsibility of the responsible organizer and/or employer. HKMU S&T will not be held liable for any disputes, losses, or other issues that may arise.

    守護本地海洋資源 公民教育計劃 – 公民科學:海洋垃圾調查活動 *

    Posted Date: 10th Sep 2023


    本地嘅海洋生態同生物多樣性一直受到好多威脅,例如海洋塑膠污染。講到海洋污染,大家除咗諗起膠袋同膠樽,又有冇諗起「鬼網」呢?「鬼網」係廢棄漁具(ALDFG)嘅統稱,魚網無論喺海底定沿岸,都一樣會纏繞唔同嘅生物,導致窒息、困綁、擱淺,甚至死亡。最近收到線報,位於香港西部水域嘅偏遠地方 —— 下白泥,發現廢棄漁具擱淺喺沿岸紅樹林同泥灘,我哋希望可以召集眾人之力,一齊守護本地海洋資源!

  • 公民科學:海洋垃圾調查活動
  • 進行公民科學活動,沿岸垃圾調查及數據收集工作
  • 搜索及處理已擱淺廢棄漁具
  • 認識潮間帶的生態與生物多樣性

  • 詳情:

  • 日期:2024 年 9 月 28 日
  • 時間:2pm - 6pm
  • 地點:下白泥
  • 名額:20人(額滿即止)
  • 費用:全免
  • 語言:廣東話
  • 網上報名:
  • 查詢:羅先生 (3923-2217;

  • 資助機構:#環境及自然保育基金

    * The program details and recruitment information are forwarded by HKMU S&T. The execution and planning of activities are the solely the responsibility of the responsible organizer and/or employer. HKMU S&T will not be held liable for any disputes, losses, or other issues that may arise.

    消防處大學生招募連線 U-Connect • 大學招聘站 *

    Posted Date: 10th Sep 2023


    消防處將會喺 9 月 19 號 11:00 至 17:00 嚟到都會大學設置流動招聘站,向有志加入消防處嘅同學分享各職系嘅工作、入職要求同埋投考資訊,同學仲可以試做體能測,同埋即場提交報考申請。快啲 mark 實日子,到時見‼️


    * The program details and recruitment information are forwarded by HKMU S&T. The execution and planning of activities are the solely the responsibility of the responsible organizer and/or employer. HKMU S&T will not be held liable for any disputes, losses, or other issues that may arise.

    Student Scholarships and Awards 2024-25 *

    Posted Date: 5th Sep 2023


    Please click HERE to check the important dates about the application deadlines of various scholarships.

    You are recommended to view this briefing file (click HERE) to prepare yourself well before applying scholarships.

    * The program details and recruitment information are forwarded by HKMU S&T. The execution and planning of activities are the solely the responsibility of the responsible organizer and/or employer. HKMU S&T will not be held liable for any disputes, losses, or other issues that may arise.

    Information Session on Scholarships 2024/25 *

    Posted Date: 5th Sep 2023


    The University awards scholarships to students in recognition of outstanding achievement in academics, athletics, personal development, community service, etc. Information Session on Scholarships will introduce scholarships and awards available in the University, application procedures and application tips. A guest speaker from Language Centre will share practical tips on writing your personal statement, which is an essential part on many scholarship applications.

  • Date: 24th Sep 2024 (Tue)
  • Time: 15:00 – 16:00
  • Venue: Learning Commons, Ho Sik Yee Library, Level 5, Jockey Club Campus, HKMU, Ho Man Tin
  • Language: Cantonese with English powerpoint presentation
  • Registration Deadline: 16th Sept 2024 (Mon)

  • Please click HERE to register now!

    * The program details and recruitment information are forwarded by HKMU S&T. The execution and planning of activities are the solely the responsibility of the responsible organizer and/or employer. HKMU S&T will not be held liable for any disputes, losses, or other issues that may arise.

    Applications Open for Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (Dec 2024 Intake) *

    Posted Date: 1st Sep 2023


    Cyberport is an innovative digital community with over 2,040 technology companies. With a vision to be the hub of digital technology and a contributor to the economy of Hong Kong, Cyberport is committed to nurturing a vibrant tech ecosystem by cultivating talent, promoting entrepreneurship among youth, supporting start-ups on their growth journeys, fostering industry development through strategic collaboration with local and international partners, and integrating new and traditional economies by accelerating digital adoption in the public and private sectors.

    The Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (CCMF) (Professional Programme, Hong Kong Young Entrepreneur Programme) is open for applications. The programmes offer funding from HK$100,000 to HK$500,000 and comprehensive entrepreneurial support, including co-working spaces, hardware and software facilities, training and mentorship, product and business development, and investment opportunities to help start-ups pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

    The Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (CCMF) encourages innovation and creativity by sponsoring high-potential digital tech start-up projects and business ideas. It provides funding to support innovative concepts and the development of early-stage start-ups over a project period of six months. In addition to cash grants, CCMF provides access to Cyberport’s extensive resources and support for innovators and entrepreneurs, including:

  • Mentorship and business advice
  • Business development and investment connections
  • A local and global business network
  • Publicity and promotion
  • Industry recognition and validation
  • An alumni network and peer support

  • Applicants can apply for the programme as individuals or as limited companies.

    Application Procedures

  • The application deadline for the next intake (Dec 2024) is 2nd Oct 2024.
  • Applicants are required to submit an online application via the Cyberport Entrepreneurship Management System.
  • Please also review the Guides and Notes for Applicants before submission.

  • Shaping Your Path for Entrepreneurship -
    Cyberport Entrepreneurship Programmes Information & Sharing Session

    You are encouraged to join the information sessions to learn about application tips for the programme and to better prepare for the next round of applications. Please find the event details below:

    Session 1

  • Date: 3rd Sep 2024 (Tue)
  • Time: 16:00 – 17:30
  • Format: Online via Zoom
  • Language: English
  • Registration: Click HERE

  • Session 2

  • Date: 5th Sep 2024 (Thu)
  • Time: 16:00 – 17:30
  • Format: Online via Zoom
  • Language: Cantonese
  • Registration: Click HERE

  • The speakers for the sessions will include the Cyberport Entrepreneurship Team, along with two different Cyberport start-ups featured each day. Participants can expect to gain valuable insights from these start-ups about their journeys in entrepreneurship, and tips for applying to the CCMF Programme. The sessions will also provide an overview of Cyberport's supporting services for entrepreneurs and highlight new initiatives designed to assist start-ups. A Q∓A session will follow, allowing attendees to engage directly with the speakers. A Zoom link will be sent out closer to the event date.

    Should you require further information or encounter any problems during the application process, please feel free to email

    * The program details and recruitment information are forwarded by HKMU S&T. The execution and planning of activities are the solely the responsibility of the responsible organizer and/or employer. HKMU S&T will not be held liable for any disputes, losses, or other issues that may arise.

    S&T Welcomes New Students with a Joyful Inauguration Ceremony

    Posted Date: 1st Sep 2024

    On 27th August 2024, the School of Science and Technology (S&T) radiated with excitement as we celebrated the arrival of a vibrant new cohort of full-time undergraduate students at our annual Inauguration Ceremony! The campus was alive with energy as staff and students united to kick off an incredible academic journey.

    Our Dean, Professor Philips Wang, along with Department Heads Dr. Steven Xu, Dr. Tony Lee, and Dr. Kevin Hung, delivered inspiring speeches urging students to seize the opportunities ahead. “Welcome to the HKMU family! Your adventure starts now!” Professor Wang exclaimed, encouraging students to make the most of their time here.

    Ms. Cheryl Law, our Industrial Attachment Trainer, introduced valuable internship and career services, paving the way for future success. Students were energized by the possibilities that lie ahead for their professional development.

    After the formalities, students connected with professors and peers in lively departmental sessions. Laughter and conversation filled the rooms as new friendships blossomed, creating an unforgettable university experience.

    At HKMU, we believe that learning goes beyond the classroom. We are here to support our students every step of the way as they embark on this transformative journey.

    Welcome aboard, new students! Get ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure at HKMU!






    Hong Kong Metropolitan University

    • Copyright © 2024 • All Rights Reserved •

    The project “Industrial Attachment Project for Science and Technology Students” is funded by the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) under Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund (SPEP) by the Education Bureau.